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Configure XContest and XCTrack

For XContest Live Tracking in PureTrack, you'll need to:

  1. Create an account, login at the website.
  2. Register with the current contest season in XContest: Register with the current year's contest
  3. Enable XContest livetracking either in XCTrack app, or in FlySkyHy app.
  4. Click this link to Join the PureTrack XContest Group:

    Join Now

By joining the PureTrack group, your tracking data from XCTrack will automatically appear on the PureTrack website. By default you'll show up as your name, and either paraglider, hang glider, or paramotor as specified in the XContest software.

Merge XContest tracking with a SPOT, InReach, or other tracking service

For more advanced control, add your XContest tracker to PureTrack to customise your aircraft type, and your map label. You can also feed in multiple tracking sources into the same map label, e.g. your SPOT or InReach device.

To do this you'll need your XContest UUID (User ID) found on the XContest Group Page

Copy/paste the UUID then add a tracker in PureTrack:

Add XContest Tracker XContest Group Page

How fast XContest Updates

PureTrack will find new pilots in the XContest group every minute. Your track will update every minute.


Thanks to the team at XContest for their support of PureTrack.