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PureTrack Traffic API

PureTrack provides a simple API to allow your application to use PureTrack live tracking data. Things to note:

  • A PureTrack API Key is required for your application. Contact Us to obtain a key.
  • Users must be a PureTrack Pro subscriber to access PureTrack data via third party applications.

Authentication Overview

PureTrack uses a simple API token system to authenticate your users. Here's an overview how it works:

  • You present a username/password field for your users to login to their PureTrack account.
  • Call the /api/login request with your app key, username and password.
  • This returns an API Token, and confirms if they are a PureTrack Pro user or not. The tokens do not expire unless a user manually removes it from their account. So generally login is only required once.
  • Use the API token on all future requests.

Note use the following header on all requests to ensure JSON is returned.

  • Accept: application/json

API Endpoints


Login the user and returns an access token to use for future requests, and indicates if the user is currently a PureTrack Pro subscriber or not.

Required Parameters:

  • key - Your application API key, Contact Us to obtain a key.
  • email - the user's email.
  • password - the user's password.

Example Response:



Logout the user.

Required Parameters:

  • none

Example Response:

200 and Some HTML that it shouldn't be outputting... To be fixed!


Fetch PureTrack live traffic data. Only available to PureTrack Pro Users.

Requires Bearer authentication with token provide by /api/login.

Required Parameters (POST or GET parameters will work):

  • key: your API key
  • lat1: lat of bounding box top right, decimal
  • long1: long of bounding box top right, decimal
  • lat2: lat of bounding box bottom left, decimal
  • long2; long of bounding box bottom left, decimal

Optional Parameters

  • o: List of type IDs to return, comma separated. e.g. o=63,1,2,27 returns all gliders and tow planes. A full list of types can be found at Defaults to all types.
  • t: Max age in minutes of points to return. Defaults to 5 minutes. Up to 24 hours. Warning high values may return a lot of data if the bounding box is large. Limited to 5 minutes if bounding box is too large.
  • s: a list of PureTrack map item keys to always try and include in the response. e.g. s=Y-ZK-GOP,Y-ZK-CNC will always try and include the last known locations for aircraft ZK-GOP and ZK-CNC.
  • i: Boolean 1 or 0. Isolate to the items listed with s or not. Defaults to 0.


  • When the bounding box size is too large, t value is lowered to 5 minutes, and data for the whole planet is returned.
  • Bounding box used is expanded slightly by a factor of 1.2 to include aircraft around the edges of the requested bounding box.

Example Request:


And don't forget to add the Auth Bearer token! Bearer token is added as a header. e.g. for Curl:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer 26|QDB332hx1mI5vgaqbaX8BtzYpeGx0Y2pZqdoQXeeL387d28a" ''

Example Response:

{ "lat_distance": 76153, "long_distance": 182758, "lat1": "-37.49503", "long1": "176.54678", "lat2": "-38.06575", "long2": "174.82046", "data": [ "T1713592586,L-37.78174,G174.88159,A4685,P1006.7,C338,S144.05,V-13.31,O56,DC828EA,U12,EZK-MZE,g43,mANZ118M,t4739.4,KY-ZK-MZE", "T1713592582,L-37.79929,G175.37943,A1058,P1006.7,C43,S74.61,V20.28,O56,DC82336,U12,EZK-MVJ,g53,mANZ823M,t1112.5,KY-ZK-MVJ", "T1713592574,L-37.58374,G175.9984,A1497,P1007.25,C350,S81.53,V0,O56,DC81958,U12,EZK-NED,mANZ258L,t1546.8,KY-ZK-NED" ], "time": 32.78803825378418, "success": true, "http_code": 200 }


  • lat_distance, long_distance: distance of bounding box, for debugging
  • lat1, long1, lat2, long2: bounding box corners used, for debugging
  • data: the data points returned. Details below.
  • time: time taken to process the request in ms
  • success: boolean, true or false.
  • http_code: the http_code returned

Data Rows Specification

The array of data is a list of comma separated lines. Each item is identified by it's first letter/digit, and is case sensitive. Most values are not guaranteed to exist except the timestamp, lat/long and key.

  • 'T': Timestamp Epoch Unix Timestamp
  • 'L': lat
  • 'G': long
  • 'K': key - PureTrack key, to uniquely identify this object in PureTrack. If matching an aircraft, it is prefixed with Y- plus rego. If matches a PureTrack target, prefixed wtih X- or Z-. For unknown items, prefixed with source type ID number and tracker_uid e.g. a FLARM target will be 0-ABC123.
  • 'A': alt_gps - meters, altitude returned by most devices. ADSB calculated from local pressure. See also 't' for standard pressure altitude from ADSB.
  • 'P': pressure - the current latest 6 hour pressure for nearest location, used to calibrate ADSB altitude.
  • 'C': course in degrees 0-360
  • 'S': speed in m/s
  • 'V': v_speed in m/s
  • 'O': object_type see list of types
  • 'Z': timezone - not used at the moment (Timestamp returned is Unixtime).
  • 'D': tracker_uid - The ID of the original tracker. In the case of FLARM FlarmID or ADSB ICAO hex code.
  • 'H': stealth - If this item is stealth or not from flarm.
  • 'Q': no_tracking - If this item is stealth or not from flarm
  • 'I': signal_quality
  • 'R': receiver_name
  • 'U': source_type_id - ID of source of this point. List below of source IDs
  • 'J': target_id - The PureTrack target ID. A 'target' matches an item to a map marker and other user configured options.
  • 'B': label - Label, either returned from the tracking service, or added from what the user has configured via the target
  • 'N': name - actual name of a pilot if provided
  • 'E': rego - If an aircraft, the full rego e.g. ZK-GOP
  • 'M': model - Aircraft model.
  • 's': speed_calc - not used
  • 'd': dist_calc - not used
  • 'v': v_speed_calc - not used
  • 'f': flying - not used
  • 'x': ignore - not used
  • 'g': gl - Ground level at this point
  • 'i': tracker_id - Internal puretrack ID
  • 'e': comp - not used?
  • 'c': colour - Colour selected by user to use on map. Generated randomly if not provided.
  • 'a': aircraft_id
  • 'j': target_key
  • 'k': inreach_id
  • 'l': spot_id
  • 'h': accuracy_horizontal
  • 'z': accuracy_vertical
  • 'u': username - Username provided by some services e.g. Skylines, Flymaster etc
  • 'm': callsign - not used
  • 'n': comp_name - Contest name
  • 'b': comp_class - Name of the contest class
  • 'q': comp_class_id - ID of the contest class
  • 't': alt_standard - standard pressure altitude in meters
  • 'r': thermal_climb_rate - m/s. calculated thermal climb rate from start of climb to current location.
  • 'p': phone - user's phone number
  • 'F': ffvl_key - if the target has an FFVL key
  • '!': random - If the item is a randomly generated ID from FLARM
  • Source IDs

    • 0 = flarm
    • 1 = spot
    • 2 = particle
    • 3 = overland
    • 4 = spotnz
    • 5 = inreachnz
    • 6 = btraced
    • 7 = api
    • 8 = mt600-l-gnz
    • 9 = inreach
    • 10 = igc
    • 11 = pi
    • 12 = adsb
    • 13 = igcdroid
    • 14 = navigator
    • 16 = puretrack
    • 17 = teltonika
    • 18 = celltracker
    • 19 = mt600
    • 20 = mt600-l
    • 21 = api
    • 22 = fr24
    • 23 = xcontest
    • 24 = skylines
    • 25 = flymaster
    • 26 = livegliding
    • 27 = ADSBExchange
    • 28 =
    • 29 =
    • 30 = SportsTrackLive
    • 31 = FFVL Tracking
    • 32 = Zoleo
    • 33 = Total Vario
    • 34 = Tracker App
    • 35 = OGN ICAO
    • 36 = XC Guide
    • 37 = Bircom