PureTrack can send and receive your GPS location to/from the FFVL VLSafe system. FFVL is the French Federation of FreeFlight, and has designed the system for French emergency services to quickly obtain the last known position of a paraglider or hang glider pilot.
First find your tracking code by logging into the FFVL tracker page. It is a long hexadecimal number e.g. 39059724f73a9969845dfe4146c5660e.
See the FFVL website for more instructions.
Each map marker in PureTrack can have a FFVL tracking code on it.
You can enter your code when adding a tracker and creating a new map marker. If you already have map markers created, edit them from your dashboard.
Each map marker can have multiple trackers feeding into it. Every 60 seconds, the latest location for that map marker is sent to FFVL no matter which source it comes from.